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TUBEX answers SOS to save saplings from Deer!

12 May 2017

Tree shelters from TUBEX were supplied to Broadacres Woodland as part of the SOS “Saving Our Saplings” community day organised by Tilhill Forestry.

Ten years after planting a new woodland in North Devon, Tilhill Forestry managers were invited to revisit the site and discovered significant levels of deer damage had occurred on many of the trees.

The owner of the woodland, Peter Luxton had been unable to look after what he had set out to be a promising broadleaved project due to an accident leading to the loss of use of an arm. The disability had also had an adverse effect on the owner’s financial income and therefore options to exclude deer by the way of fencing were simply unaffordable.
Faced with these circumstances, the local Tilhill Forestry team put out a call their local managers, contractors and suppliers to help this SOS. This culminated in an Action Day, with 15 volunteers placing TUBEX Treeshelters over the stunted and browsed trees to give them protection from the regular and damaging attention of the local deer population.
Over 1000 trees such as birch, cherry, rowan, maple and oak were protected by TUBEX guards. These trees will now quickly grow without further deer browsing damage and create the new woodland envisaged ten years previously.
 “With you generous help we have been able to pool our resources and efforts to help over 1000 trees become strong and grow away from the historic browsing of Roe deer and Red Deer. This work will enable the woodland to develop into the natural native habitat of this area of Devon” – On behalf of Broadacres Woodland owner and Tilhill Forestry Ltd.  
For more information about Tilhill Forestry click here or to find out more about the TUBEX Shelters supplied to this project click here.