Designed to protect plants in harsh environments
Tubex offers a range of tree and shrub protection products from hedging and small scale projects to large projects with mixed planting stocks. Tubex tree shelters and guards are designed to protect plants from browsing animals including rabbits and deer. Landscaping environments can be very harsh environments, planting trees in these environments can be an important requirement for stabilising the land and improving the aesthetic quality of the space, and speedy establishment of tree or shrub ‘cover’ is often a key factor in securing planning approval for the project.
Problems and Benefits
Landscaping environments (roadside, industrial/commercial, land reclamation) can be very harsh environments. Tubex tree and shrub shelters improve establishment rates and enhance growth – quickly ensuring the required visual, acoustic and soil stabilising benefits that trees and shrubs offer.
Landscaping projects are hard business, as the risk of successful implementation is high and depending on many environmental factors. Unpredictable extreme weather pattern during a growth season or during winter rest of a tree clearly have a strong impact on the successful implementation of a project in time – and one single incident could cause a massive negative effect killing all calculations made.
Enterprises, dealing with landscaping projects are often facing a cost problem during the phase of calculating and preparing an offer, as every plantation needs intensive maintenance to end up in a success story. Maintenance costs can minimise all the benefits, that a company may have due to specialists knowledge, excellent planning, trained workers and professional plantation practices.
Massive damages on bark and stem could be caused by temperature differences between day and night during the winter months. Typically, stems are painted white to prevent the stem surface from heating during the day. The time and cost consuming treatment has to be repeated year by year – until the tree has developed a strong, self-isolating bark after several years.
TUBEX shelters are preventing every single tree from extreme environmental conditions. The tree shelters and shrub shelters are designed to protect the plant from extreme cold temperatures (wind), from high solar radiation summer or winter (refection on snow) or from mechanical impacts as by hail or by animals like rabbits, hare, roe- and red deer.
Trees, growing up with a full mechanical shelter around and within a perfect micro climate are clearly showing better growth rates contrary to non-protected plants. Stronger and healthier plants can react much better against multiple environmental impacts and survival rates are significantly higher. Faster establishment of a tree stand and a minimised loss of saplings during this period is time and cost-saving – and savings could be pre-calculated with precision during the preparation of full cost analysis.
Necessary repetition of tending operations is reduced to a minimum if the perfectly fitting tree shelter is used to protect a young plant. Depending on plant size, annual increment and weed pressure, a proper choice of the most suitable shelter is crucial for a significant reduction of maintenance labour and costs. Tubex has more than 30 years of experience with tree shelter application and provides the perfect solution for every single site situation.
Product Solutions
Find the best Tubex solution to your specific needs. Here you can find our highlighted products for landscaping applications
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Ability to carry out projects of all sizes