Category: General
Why is There Plastic in the Forest? The Unexpected Benefits of Tree Shelters
Tubex invests in research partnership to optimise biodegradable tree shelters
Tubex speaks to the BBC about tree protection
Tubex pledges ongoing commitment to collection and recycling of tree shelters
Forestry Land Management Stakeholders Discuss Future of Tree Shelter Use
Tubex is returning nuance to plastic tree shelter debate
Tree protection high on the agenda at APF 2022
Tubex customers report successful tree planting season – with more to come
Tubex Voleguards protect major timber production research project
Tree shelters and Tree Planting Initiatives Augur Success
Tubex Report Card 2021: 6.5 million trees protected and 150,000 tree shelters recycled
Thousands of British tree saplings to be protected with biodegradable shelters
Advancing Towards a Circular Economy
Tubex shelters provided amazing growth results compared to trees planted outside shelters
Drone view of a Tubex Planting Scheme by Knighton Countryside Management
TUBEX launches new Agroforestry Guide
TUBEX announces NEW UK Distributor Network
TUBEX and Future Trees Trust ‘Advancing Growth Together’ UPDATE!
TUBEX and Future Trees Trust ‘Advancing Growth Together’
TUBEX drops PVC Spirals for more favourable PP Easywrap alternative
Article: Totally Tubular Habitats – Treeshelters are enabling some extraordinary success in habitat creation and restoration
6 million new Jubilee trees
New forestry video “Small plants, strong roots”
Tubex showcases its most popular European shelter
Green by Colour, Green by Nature